BlessingGiver Cinnabar Five Gods of Wealth Blessing Bracelet BlessingGiver
BlessingGiver Cinnabar Five Gods of Wealth Blessing Bracelet BlessingGiver
BlessingGiver Cinnabar Five Gods of Wealth Blessing Bracelet BlessingGiver
BlessingGiver Cinnabar Five Gods of Wealth Blessing Bracelet BlessingGiver
BlessingGiver Cinnabar Five Gods of Wealth Blessing Bracelet BlessingGiver
BlessingGiver Cinnabar Five Gods of Wealth Blessing Bracelet BlessingGiver
INNERVIBER Cinnabar Five Gods of Wealth Blessing Bracelet - INNERVIBER

Cinnabar Five Gods of Wealth Blessing Bracelet

$73.69 $40.69 SAVE $33.00

Size: 8mm


Type: Bracelet
SKU: BGBR129001
Availability : In Stock Pre order Out of stock

Elevate your fortune and attract abundant blessings with our INNERVIBER Cinnabar Five Gods of Wealth Blessing Bracelet. This exquisite bracelet is crafted with meticulous attention to detail, combining the vibrant energy of cinnabar beads with the auspicious symbolism of the Five Gods of Wealth.
The bracelet features a main strand of cinnabar beads, known for their vibrant red color and spiritual significance. Cinnabar is believed to attract good luck, prosperity, and positive energy into one's life, while also offering protection and promoting inner harmony.
Intertwined with the cinnabar beads are five colorful crystal agate beads, representing the Five Gods of Wealth. Each colored bead symbolizes a specific aspect of wealth, such as financial abundance, career success, harmonious relationships, good health, and spiritual growth.
The combination of cinnabar and crystal agate beads creates a powerful synergy, amplifying the bracelet's ability to enhance fortune and attract blessings in all areas of life. This exquisite piece not only adds a touch of elegance to your attire but also serves as a constant reminder of the abundant blessings and prosperity that surround you.

Product Description


♥ Blessing ♥ Luck ♥ Prosperity ♥ Protection ♥ Healing ♥ Wisdom ♥ Vitality ♥

Cinnabar, a natural wonder, embodies a wealth of positive qualities. It is blessed with the essence of luck, prosperity, protection, healing, wisdom, and vitality. This vibrant gemstone harnesses the power to attract abundance and enhance well-being. Embrace the profound symbolism and positive energy of nature's Cinnabar, allowing its transformative properties to enrich your life with blessings and positivity.

Five Gods of Wealth

♥ Wealth ♥ Wisdom ♥ Power ♥ Growth ♥ Blessings ♥

The Five Gods of Wealth, represented by the colors red, yellow, black, white, and green, hold significant spiritual meanings.
1. Red God of Wealth: The red color symbolizes prosperity, good fortune, and success in financial matters. It is associated with abundance, wealth, and material blessings. The Red God of Wealth is worshipped and revered for attracting financial prosperity and bringing luck in business and investments.
2. Yellow God of Wealth: Yellow represents stability, growth, and longevity. The Yellow God of Wealth is associated with financial security, steady income, and the accumulation of wealth over time. Worshiping the Yellow God of Wealth is believed to bring financial stability and long-term prosperity.
3. Black God of Wealth: Black symbolizes wisdom, knowledge, and protection. The Black God of Wealth is worshipped for its ability to grant wisdom in financial matters, making wise investments, and protecting one's wealth from losses or misfortunes.
4. White God of Wealth: White represents purity, clarity, and spiritual blessings. The White God of Wealth is associated with spiritual wealth, inner peace, and harmony. Worshiping the White God of Wealth is believed to bring spiritual growth, contentment, and a sense of fulfillment beyond material possessions.
5. Green God of Wealth: Green symbolizes growth, abundance, and fertility. The Green God of Wealth is revered for bringing prosperity and abundance in various aspects of life, including financial wealth, good health, and harmonious relationships. Worshiping the Green God of Wealth is believed to attract opportunities for growth and success in all areas of life.
Overall, the Five Gods of Wealth encompass a range of spiritual meanings related to financial prosperity, wisdom, stability, spiritual growth, and abundance in different aspects of life. They are worshipped and revered to seek blessings and guidance for a prosperous and fulfilling life.



  • Item Type: Bracelet
  • Gender: Unisex
  • Material: Cinnabar
  • Note 
  1. Natural Materials: This product is crafted from natural materials. We recommend removing it when sleeping or washing to ensure its longevity and preservation.

  2. Manual Measurements: Please be aware that the provided measurements are obtained manually and may have slight deviations. We appreciate your understanding in this matter.

  3. Environmentally Friendly: Our commitment to sustainability is reflected in the use of environmentally friendly materials for all our products.

  4. Handmade and Natural: Kindly note that our products are handmade and made from natural materials. As a result, they may exhibit minor irregularities, adding to their unique charm. Additionally, please be aware that the color of the item may slightly vary from the image due to lighting effects.

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